Using League Communications Features
Are you or other parents/grandparents/guardians for your player missing out on important league communications? If so, there are a couple quick fixes to take care of the problem:
- Make sure that your email (and/or cell phone number if you want to receive text announcements) information is correct in our system (check this in your account settings).
- Second, make sure that every adult that needs to receive announcements for your player (like practice/game cancelations or delays) has their own account on the league site. The account must be linked to the original account that registered your ball player (that way you'll receive announcements for your player's team).
- Instructions on how to link multiple user accounts is available here:
Some general information about parent/player accounts is available here:
Do you have an announcement that you want to go to everyone on your team? Post it to your team discussion area and every account associated with the team players will receive emails.
Information about team pages (to include discussion areas) is available here:
Want to receive automatic push notifications for your player's team on your android/iPhone mobile device? You can get information on that here:
Would you like all of your players calendars automatically synced to your calendar (in outlook, iCal, or google Calendar)? Simply log into your league account, click on the Calendar tab, then click on the blue "Export this Calendar Feed" button and follow the instructions to import the appropriate calendar link to your device/application of choice.